



我々の唯一の目的は、日本の国民年金を米国のソーシャルセキュリティシステムのなかの棚ぼた排除規定  (” Windfall Elimination Provision” or “WEP” )の対象から外すことである。


この会の存在意義は広く社会のためであり、非営利団体のものである。したがって米国歳入庁( “IRS” )に非営利団体の免税許可を申請する。

Nenkin Support Center of America

Mission Statement

Our existing mission below is completed. We are working on creating a new mission with a new organization.


【Existing mission】
Our mission is to remove Japan’s National Pension from the U.S. Social Security System’s provisions(“Windfall Elimination Provision” or “WEP”).” Volunteers created the Nenkin Support Center of America (“NSCA”) for this purpose, and we will continue our activities until we achieve our goal without being shaken from the original intention of our establishment. When NSCA in successful in removing the National Pension from WEP, the significance of this organization will cease to exist, and at that time, the members at that time will carefully discuss and decide on the existence and activities of the organization.
Its unique significance is for society and has the nature of non-profit organizations. Therefore, NSCA must continue to apply to the U.S. Revenue Service(“IRS”) to obtain the IRS’s tax exemption certificate.